Trin a Thrafod i Bobl Ifanc: Datblygu Sgiliau Cyfathrebu Cymdeithasol ac Emosiynol

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Trin a Thrafod i Bobl Ifanc: Datblygu Sgiliau Cyfathrebu Cymdeithasol ac Emosiynol is a professional workbook. It helps educators and therapists who provide groups in social skills and relationship skills for older children and young adults with social, emotional or behavioral difficulties. The resources include an assessment framework, planning and evaluation forms, 37 structured session guides focusing on self-awareness and self-esteem, body language, conversation skills, friendship skills and assertiveness, and all the necessary supplementary leaflets and images to present the sessions. This Welsh edition is presented based on the second English edition of Talkabout for Teenagers: Social and Emotional Communication Skills, with full color illustrations and leaflets, and includes a new introduction by Alex Kelly reflecting on her own experiences of using the resources since they were first developed.